Brand Advertising Research & Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (BARC) is a research-based consultancy leveraging an array of services to global brands with expertise in crafting branding solutions and analysis of brand equity, marketing campaigns, market research, product development and content marketing, with a blend of innovation for growth in various industries.

BARC Asia​

With cutting edge science and strong sense of social responsibility the Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Group has enabled consumers globally to live a healthier life in a happier abode since 1819.

Triumph of Celebration:
In 1948, they made the world’s first soluble aspirin, Disprin. Powerful surface cleaner Cillit Bang was launched in 68 countries in a year. Vanish powder is a market leader with 75% market share globally. With a mix of eclectic outlook, the company enriches their unique culture and ensures growth and stability.

Brand Quotient:
They have a network of 60 countries across all the continents with over 40,000 employees and entrepreneurs. The brands under them are Clearasil, Dettol, Durex, Strepsils, Veet, Airwick, Lysol, Harpic, Vanish and many more.

They are the world’s leading consumer healthcare company and believe in constant innovation. They align with advancement of technology and create advertisements to keep their consumer aware. With innovation forming their DNA, they also quote “Consumer health is more about mums than molecules, and we can find insights from the Youtube as much as the test tube.”

Cutting Edge:
The RB Health team invest millions to make lives of children better, protect them and give them the best start in life. The Hygiene home focuses on the issues faced by the consumers like air pollution, city contaminants and domestic cleanliness. Lysol, Vanish, Air wick, Finish are renowned names found in households 80% of the times.

Brand Commitments:
With interconnected, intensifying and global sustainability challenges they believe growth and responsibilities are feathers in a cap. They address challenges focusing energy demand, raw materials, waste creation and so on making a difference in the consumer’s life.

Brand Facts:
They have served for nearly 200 years globally.

Master Stroke:

They ranked 2nd 2016 Global 500 Newsweek Green ranking.

Reckitt Benckiser Group