Brand Advertising Research & Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (BARC) is a research-based consultancy leveraging an array of services to global brands with expertise in crafting branding solutions and analysis of brand equity, marketing campaigns, market research, product development and content marketing, with a blend of innovation for growth in various industries.

BARC Asia​

The TATA Memorial Hospital was commissioned by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust on 28th February 1941 with an enduring value and a mission concern of health of Indian people.

Triumph of Celebration:
The Tata Memorial Hospital and the Cancer Research Institute merged with the TATA Memorial Centre (TMC) in 1966, setting a classic example of private philanthropy augmented by Government support. They have done pioneering work in gene therapy. They have developed preventive oncology, chemotherapy, radiology, pathology, rehabilitation and a lot more.

Brand Quotient:
With brilliance in various spheres of expertise, they recorded visits of 64,000 patients globally. 70% are treated free of charge for cancer. TMH has expanded from 80 beds to 629 beds with an annual budget close to Rs 200 cr. About 6200 patients were treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy with multi-disciplinary programs and treatments.

Robotics Surgery was initiated in 2014. Radiotherapy has made rapid advances with high technology, computerization and newer isotopes replacing amputative surgeries with less radical treatments. Pathology progressed from histopathology to molecular pathology emphasising on predictive assays for identifying the high risk prognostic factors.

Cutting Edge:
TMH are the first to initiate the Bone Marrow transplant. The state-of-art equipment is available in every department rendering a high position at immunological, cytological and pathological services. Preventive Oncology plays a major role in diagnosis of cancer.

Brand Commitments:
TMH provides supportive care in the form of total rehabilitation and counselling of patients as they are important factors of therapy. They have a recognized satellite Rural cancer Centre at Barshi with established programs for cancer awareness, prevention and control.

Brand facts:
Collaboration with NCI, WHO, UICC, IAEA for training and education have brought recognition to TMH.

Master Stroke:
TMH has a long standing prestige owing to their dependable quality cancer care.

TATA Memorial Hospital