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About Us:

Welcome to Poster Perfect Motion Pictures. We are house of iconic network providing multi-format, multi-generational, multi-cultural content. We create branded content, commercials, music videos, features, web films, animated films, virals, ad films, ad campaigns. PPMP is an ensemble of freethinking artists and enthusiasts from diverse cultural backgrounds and varied interests. Ideas are loved and welcome. Big or small. The belief is not just to produce content but shaping and nurturing the thought behind the idea is the key to an effective tool for communication. Because that's the intention behind a every thought. Communication! As a company, PPMP are a mount for creativity, a provider of clockwork and diligent production services and an incubator for skills and talent.

With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.

We are aware of our tremendous potential and curate every message to communicate responsibly through our skilled team. Aiming to execute every idea with a modern look not just to raise the bar of excellence but to be the bar! Being learners, the acceptance our shortcomings to work on them project humility as it is the foundation holding the pillars of our organization. With unending curiosity and we love to research ways of rooting tales to the modern outlooks making the process unique.

Our team looks forward to collaborate with creative agencies and visionary brands, who trust us to bring their dreams, concepts and thoughts to life. At PPMP there is value to two-way nature of these partnerships, understanding that our clients give us opportunity to improve our craft and astound their audiences. The confinement isn’t to a single city, country or continent. We are global. Staying true to the content without any hesitation following the true spirit, the team is never ready to settle down with anything but perfection.

Our Story:

Why Poster Perfect?
According to the French historian Max Gallo, "for over two hundred years, posters have been displayed in public places all over the world. Visually striking, they have been designed to attract the attention making us aware of a viewpoint, enticing us into a particular thought and encouraging us." Poster for us is the most effective and communicative media to tell tales, both long and short, graphical and textual; connecting the roots of advertising with a modern outlook. Poster always communicates the fearless, the unexplored, the unspoken to the mass and is the epicenter to create awareness in different tones. Our skilled enthusiasts strive to reach the target audience with your poster of ideas and thoughts accompanying our talent. Perfect symbolizes the spirit of our team which aims at mass communication with mass connection through your ideology.

Poster Perfect Motion Pictures is synonymous with prestige, elegance, versatility and success. The commitment is being proactive visionaries to stay ahead of the competition through unrivaled leadership. With diminishing geographical boundaries in the world of internet, we aim to make our content seamlessly available globally. Our digital business is all about igniting a surge in content consumption, from which we can now capture the entire value stream, right from the earliest sparks of content ideation to the final point of the consumer across platforms. We are committed to enhance shareholders value and provide distinctive content that our audiences expect from us. Our success is built on the relationships we have cultivated with leading talent, exhibitors and other key participants in our industry. We will continue to expand through our expertise in content creation Motion Pictures and provide entertainment to our millions of consumers. In time, we wish to emerge as one of the most recognized and most influential medium globally.

Brand Advertising Research & Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (BARC) is a research-based consultancy leveraging an array of services to global brands with expertise in crafting branding solutions and analysis of brand equity, marketing campaigns, market research, product development and content marketing, with a blend of innovation for growth in various industries.


Poster Perfect Motion Pictures aims to project your content in the most effective way with our expertise and your ideology and stories to create a bridge between the masses and artists.


The organization is the haven of craftsmen with a promising future, aiming at providing knowledge fearlessly and producing the most effective tools of telling tales globally.